PhD Studentships
A PhD studentship in quantum information processing using orbital angular momentum of light is currently available. This project will delve into the nature and use of this unexpected property of light focussing, in particular, on its potential as a resource for quantum information processing. The project is theoretical in nature but the student will be expected to work in close collaboration with our experimental colleagues; in particular the group of Prof. Padgett (Glasgow) but also of Prof. Zeilinger (Vienna) and Prof. Boyd (Ottawa).
For more details see website or contact Prof. S. Barnett.
A PhD studentship in extreme resolution nano-photonics is currently available. This project is part of a new collaboration with the experimental group of Prof H. Okamoto at the Institute for Molecular Science (Japan) and will involve visits to that group. Funding is available for a UK citizen or EU national who has lived in the UK in the past three years.
For more details see website or contact Dr. F. Papoff.